Warning for the party before ex-communication: Moed Katan 16a
By a summoned party who refuses to show in court, the ex-communication includes mention of the name of the Sage involved, and uses the language of "Cherem": Moed Katan 16a [See Rashi "UMacharimin"]
Whether "Niduy" is equivalent to "Shamta" or not: Nedarim 7b
Duration of the "Niduy" brand of ex-communication: Moed Katan 16a
Duration of the "Shamta" brand of ex-communication: Moed Katan 16a
Duration of the "Nezifah" brand of ex-communication: Moed Katan 16a
Duration of modern "Nezifah": Moed Katan 16b
Duration of "Nezifah" by the Jewish Leader: Moed Katan 16b
Differentiating durations for different types of ex-communication in Israel and Bavel: Moed Katan 16a-b
Considering part of the last day of ex-communication to be like the entire day, to end the period early in the day: Moed Katan 16b
Self Ex-Communication: Moed Katan 17a; Nedarim 7b
Ex-Communication without the presence of the subject: Moed Katan 17a-b
Ex-communicating someone before one's teacher: Eruvin 63a
Rescension of Ex-Communication
Ex-communication requires rescension even if it is conditional, and the condition does not come true: Makkot 11b
Rescension can follow the ex-communication immediately: Nedarim 7b
Rescension of the "Shamta" brand of ex-communication before its automatic 30-day period: Moed Katan 16a
Rescension by a party who was not involved in the original ex-communication: Moed Katan 16a
Whether each individual involved in the ex-communication rescinds his own portion, and what happens if one of them dies before the time for rescension: Moed Katan 16a
What to do if one doesn't know who ex-communicated him: Moed Katan 17a
For a Torah Scholar to revoke his own ex-communication of himself: Moed Katan 17a; Nedarim 7b
Whether rescension of an ex-communication which was performed before a certain Sage, requires his presence for the rescension as well: Nedarim 7b [2x]
Requiring 10 people [and what type of people] for rescension of certain types of ex-communication: Nedarim 8a
Seriousness and Power of the Ex-Communication
The word "Shamta" implies Death or Desolation: Moed Katan 17a
The Numerical Value of the word "Cherem" implies that ex-communication affects all 248 limbs of an individual: Moed Katan 17a