On the Value of Marriage

The age at which a male should look to get married: Kiddushin 29b-30a

Importance of marriage for a Torah Scholar: Yoma 72b; Kiddushin 29b-30a

Gd "cursing" a male who remains single when he should get married, with bone-decay: Kiddushin 29b

Praying to find a spouse: Berachot 8a

Wife defined as "Matza Tov [One has found Goodness]" or "Motzei Ani Mar MiMavet [I find [her] more bitter than death]": Berachot 8a

If a man marries his wife for pure reasons, it is as though he birthed her: Sotah 12a

Hashem puts one who doesn't marry in Ex-Communication: Pesachim 113b

A wife is considered to be one's House: Shabbat 118b

A wife is considered to be one's Tent: Moed Katan 15b

Suffering from a bad spouse saves one from time in Gehennom: Eruvin 41b

Allowing a Kohen to gain impurity by leaving Israel in order to marry: Eruvin 47a-b

Allowing a Kohen to gain impurity by entering a field in which a grave has been lost in order to marry: Eruvin 47a-b

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