Kamma Rav Guvreih [How "great" is the strength of one who rules like an individual against the majority]: Yevamot 104a
Klapei Layya!?: Bava Metzia 58a; Niddah 15a
Kevar Horah Zakken: Yevamot 105b
Kichometz l'shinayim uch'ashan l'einayim [Borrowed from Mishlei 10]: Taanit 4b
Kidra deBei Shutfi Lo Chamima veLo Kerira: Eruvin 3a
Lo Min haSheim Hu Zeh: Shabbat 116a; Sotah 8a; Makkot 4b
Lo nitnah Torah l'malachei hasharet: Berachot 25b
Rav warning his students, "Don't bother asking questions from a text that could be interpreted in opposing ways לא תיזלו בתר איפכא": Ketuvot 48b; Keritot 17b
Mai DeHavah Havah: Ketuvot 3a
Mai Paska [How do you know?!]: Eruvin 30b; Ketuvot 76b
Margila b'Pumeih [He was accustomed to say]: Zevachim 36b
Tiba'i (leih) [Rare equivalent of the more common "Teiku"]: Nedarim 7a, 10b, 21b; Makkot 19a; Temurah 13b
Better One Sharp Pepper than a basket of Gourds [Tava Chada Pilpila Charifta MiMali Tzana DiKari]: Yoma 85b; Megillah 7a; Chagigah 10a
Tarti?! [Why list these items as two? It's the same thing!]: Beitzah 14a; Kiddushin 19a
Tirgimah: Bava Metzia 80b
Tiyuvta v'hilchata תיובתא והלכתא [You accepted our argument as definitive, and then ruled against it?!]: Ketuvot 41b
Tmihani [I would be shocked if this were true]: Keritot 19a
Tol Lach Mah SheHeiveita טול לך מה שהבאת [Ask yourself a question on the case you brought!]: Temurah 28a
Tuvya Chata veZigud Mangid טוביה חטא וזיגוד מנגיד (Tuvya sins and Zigud is whipped?!), or Shechem Nasiv UMavgai Gazir (Shechem marries, and Mavgai has to be circumcised [Rashi's reading]?!): Makkot 11a
VeChi Chuldah Nevi'ah Hi?? וכי חולדה נביאה היא [play on words, too long to explain]: Pesachim 9b
VeKen Morin bei Medresha וכן מורין בי מדרשא [And so it is ruled in the Study Hall]: Niddah 14a
VeTu Lo Midi ותו לא מידי: Eruvin 103b; Succah 36b; Kiddushin 21b; Bechorot 11a
Yatziva be'Ara, veGiyora beShemei Shemaya?! [Can it be both a native of the earth, and a dweller of the heavens?!]: Eruvin 9a; Yoma 47a
Zil kari bei rav hu [It's something you could go read in yeshiva]: Keritot 13b
Where the Talmud makes use of "Atzeret" for Shavuot, and where it makes use of "Chag": Temurah 18b
Use of clean language in stating a Talmudic case, even at the expense of clarity: Temurah 29a, 30a
Use of singular language "zaken [elder]" when describing a group of elders, because they were unanimous in their opinion: Zevachim 12b
Rav Pappa commenting, "Were we to be so specific in our teaching, we would never be able to teach anything, at all!": Eruvin 48a
A string of comments on Torah study and Manners, from sages named Chanina: Rabbi Chanina, then Rabbi Chanina bar Pappa, then Rabbi Chanina bar Chama, then Rabbi Chanina bar Idi: Taanit 7a
Use of Greek in the gemara: Zevachim 53b; Rashi to Keritot 17b "atyom"
Use of the word lokeh לוקה to refer to a financial payment: Ketuvot 45b-46a
Rava responding to a halachic ruling by saying it is Burcha (unseemly): Ketuvot 63b