Circumcision - Beyond the Legal Issues
General Issues of Circumcision
Beyond the Laws
Circumcision as equivalent to the entire Torah: Nedarim 32a
The term "Sasson [Joy]" as a reference to the Mitzvah of Circumcision: Megillah 16b
Hashem made
13 Covenants on Circumcision: Shabbat 132a, 133a; Nedarim 31b
Circumcision is considered an "Ot", a Sign,
Between Hashem and the Jews
: Shabbat 132a
If not for the blood of Circumcision, Gd would not have
created the World
: Nedarim 31b
If not for the blood of Circumcision, Gd would not have maintained
: Shabbat 137b [2x]; Nedarim 32a
Circumcision was
accepted with joy
, and so it was maintained throughout the generations: Shabbat 130a
Because the Jews
Martyred themselves
for Circumcision, it has stayed strong with their descendants: Shabbat 130a
The piece of skin which is to be cut off is considered disgusting: Nedarim 31b
The wicked are identified as people of the skin which is to be cut off in circumcision: Nedarim 31b
was born circumcised: Sotah 12a
Yom Kippur atone
for a Jew who refuses to have a circumcision: Yoma 85b; Keritot 7a
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