The Naziritic Vow

How a righteous person would take a vow to be a Nazirite: Nedarim 9b

Interpreting the vow in the most lenient way possible: Nedarim 18b

Whether the vow's acceptance of nezirut must be stated clearly ["Haflaah"]: Eruvin 82a; Chagigah 10a; Nedarim 5b, 19b, 21a; Nazir 32b-34a

The validity of an altered form of speech [Kinuy] which doesn't explicitly state the vow: Nedarim 2a, 3a-b

Types of "Kinuy" [explained in the line Above]: Nedarim 10a

Validity of an altered form of the altered form [Kinuyyei Kinuyyin], and examples: Nedarim 10b

The validity of a form of speech [Yad] which omits the key verb of the vow: Nedarim 3a-b

The validity of a form of speech which is vague [Yadayim she'Einan Mochichot]: Nedarim 5b-6a

Requiring that the Vow be Expressed, not only Mentally Decided: Chagigah 10a

A Naziritic vow which is only made in order to persuade someone else to perform a certain act: Nedarim 21a

A Naziritic vow which is made based upon an errant assumption: Nedarim 21a

A Naziritic vow which is clearly ridiculous: Nedarim 21a

A Naziritic vow which goes into effect because one was kept from fulfilling a position by circumstances: Nedarim 21a

Taking a Naziritic vow which is partially or completely redundant to a previous Naziritic vow: Nedarim 3b, 17a-18a

A vow to be a Nazir if a particular statement is true - and we cannot determine whether it is true: Nazir 32b-34a

What if the vower says "I will be" as a Nazirite is [not] passing by: Kiddushin 5b

Whether we are lenient or stringent in interpreting Nazirite vows: Nazir 32b-34a

Whether we are lenient or stringent in interpreting a vow for eternal Nazirite status: Nedarim 19b

Whether we are lenient or stringent in interpreting a vow for the Naziritic status of Samson: Nedarim 19b

Whether the vow takes effect if the vower declares his vow while standing in a cemetery, or eating a grape product: Nedarim 4a

What if the prospective Nazirite only vows that he won't consume a specific grape product: Nedarim 4a

Whether a father/husband can annul such a vow: Ketuvot 71a; Nedarim 3a, 4b

What happens if one vows, "Like the Vows of the Wicked," in terms of vows/oaths, Naziritic Oaths, and Vows Dedicating Offerings: Nedarim 9a, 22a

What happens if one vows, "Like the Vows of the Righteous," in terms of vows/oaths, Naziritic Oaths, and Vows Dedicating Offerings: Nedarim 9a, 9b-10a, 22a

Differentiating between general vows, and dedication of specific items, in the above two lines [See Ran to understand how this fits into Naziritic Vows]: Nedarim 9a, 9b-10a

What happens if the vow to become a Nazir includes an error: Nazir 31a-34a

What happens if one vowed to become a Nazir, but then learned that the animal they intended to use for their korban was stolen [before or after the vow]: Nazir 32a-b

What happens if one vowed to become a Nazir, but then learned that the Beit haMikdash was destroyed [before or after the vow], such that they could not bring their korbanot: Nazir 32a-b

If the vow to become a Nazir is repealed, what is the status of animals the Nazir dedicated for his korbanot?: Nazir 31b, 32a

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