Ownership of the challah tithe, and removal of its designation as a tithe: Pesachim 46b
The person who vowed and the person who cancels the vow
Annulment of vows by a father, for a daughter under the age of 12.5: Yevamot 108a; Ketuvot 46b, 47a, 65b; Kiddushin 3b, 10a
Ability of the husband to annul a part of the vow that has to do with him: Yevamot 112a; Ketuvot 71a
At what point in the marriage process does the husband gain the ability to cancel vows - does it happen with kiddushin?: Ketuvot 48a-49a, 57b; Kiddushin 4a, 10a
Who may annul the vow of a woman while she is post-Kiddushin, if she is between 12 and 12.5 years old: Ketuvot 39a, 46b, 65b; Kiddushin 4a, 10a
Annulment of vows on Shabbat [and differentiating between nullification for a Shabbat purpose and for other purposes]: Shabbat 157a
Time limit on how long the husband may nullify a vow, whether it is that day or a full twenty-four hours: Shabbat 157a
May a husband cancel a vow that was made in front of three, or ten?: Ketuvot 74b-75a
A person should always pursue nullification of vows, rather than keep them: Yevamot 109a-b
A husband's vow against involvement with his wife may just reflect a momentary anger, but his failure to cancel her own vow against involvement with him is suspected to reflect durable animosity: Ketuvot 71b