Whether a person brings an offering, or receives lashes, for a false oath regarding a past event as well as a false oath regarding a future event: Temurah 3b
How it is possible to provide a legitimate warning to a person who is about to swear an oath which he will violate later: Temurah 3b
What happens if a person swears multiple times that he will not commit an act, and then he commits the act once: Temurah 3b
The minimum degree of action involved, to be considered in violation of an oath: Yoma 73b-74a
What if one takes two vows against use of a specific item, has one of the vows annulled and then uses that item: Nedarim 18a
The requirement of bringing an offering applies to voluntary or court-ordered oaths: Bava Metzia 36a
Whether a person brings an offering, or receives lashes, for a false oath regarding a past event as well as a false oath regarding a future event: Temurah 3b
The type of "Forgetting" necessary in order to mandate an offering: Shabbat 69a-b
Whether an Offering is brought for a false Oath about a past action: Shabbat 69b