An enactment by the courts [tenai beit din] that those who bring korbanot need not declare for whom they are brought: Zevachim 2b, 46b, 46b-47a
Whether leftover, un-used animals from the korban tamid may be redeemed, by special condition of the courts [tenai beit din]: Zevachim 6b-7a
The full ketubah amount is owed even if there was no formal ketubah document; this is an enactment by the rabbinical court [tenai beit din]: Ketuvot 51a
The full ketubah amount is owed even if the husband wrote in the ketubah that a particular field will be given for the ketubah, and he did not stipulate that all of his property is bound for payment, and that field is worth less than the full ketubah amount. This is an enactment by the rabbinical court [tenai beit din]: Ketuvot 51a