Status of a Judge in Court
Rules for a judge while deciding law
Legal Issues
Wrapping himself in his cloak: Eruvin 64b
Sitting down: Eruvin 64b
Beyond the Legal Issues
Shechinah-Manifestation of Gd
is among Judges: Berachot 6a
Adjudication is considered to be on a par with studying Torah: Berachot 6a
A judge in Court should be afraid as though there was a sword on his lap and Hell opened up beneath his feet: Yevamot 109b
Laws of Courts are "Gufei Torah" - the Main Bodies of Torah: Chagigah 10a
Justice supersedes the Temple Offerings: Succah 49b
Fulfilling Justice is like filling the world with generosity, but it won't come easily except to those who
have an awe of Heaven
: Succah 49b
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