Blood which is ready for sprinkling is as though it has already been thrown, to make its korban permissible/sanctified: Pesachim 13b; Keritot 24b
Haktarah of a flour offering is parallel to sprinkling the blood of an animal offering on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 13b
Atonement occurs specifically with the processing of the blood: Zevachim 6a
Does putting one's finger in the blood count as a formal avodah, with all of the legal ramifications, because this is a required step in the service: Zevachim 13b-14a
The blood
Whether it requires blood which was caught in a vessel [from the neck]: Pesachim 65a; Zevachim 13a
Blood squeezed out from the neck ["dam hatamtzit"]: Pesachim 65a, 65a-b; Zevachim 35a; Keritot 22a
Defining the "blood of life [dam hanefesh]," regarding its eligibility for zerikat hadam, based on its color and the strength of its flow: Keritot 22a
Mixed blood from two offerings: Pesachim 64a; Zevachim 34b-35a; Temurah 5b
Blood which is mixed from usable and non-usable blood: Pesachim 65a; Zevachim 35a
Number of sprinklings
How many sprinklings of the blood are absolutely required for korbanot when the sprinkling is on the external mizbeiach - asham, chatat, olah and shelamim : Sanhedrin 4a, 4b; Zevachim 36b-38b
How many sprinklings of the blood are absolutely required for korbanot when the sprinkling is on the internal mizbeiach: Zevachim 36b, 38a
There is no atonement for sin without some sprinkling: Sanhedrin 4a; Zevachim 37b
How to sprinkle blood which was mixed between blood which is supposed to undergo one placement and blood which is supposed to undergo four placements, while avoiding the problem of adding / subtracting elements of mitzvot: Eruvin 100a; Rosh HaShanah 28b
Sprinkling procedure
Which sprinklings must be done by a male Kohen: Kiddushin 36, 37a
Sprinkling it "Al Tiharo Shel Mizbayach"-Atop the Altar: Yoma 59a
When the remainder of the blood is poured out at the base of the mizbeiach, is that a formal avodah [temple service]: Zevachim 13a-b, 36b-37a, 38b
Whether physical acts of pouring and of sprinkling are considered halachically equivalent, or whether they cannot substitute for each other: Zevachim 37a
Disqualifications of the sprinkler
Whether a re-do is possible with the rest of the blood, if a disqualified party first caught and sprinkled the blood: Zevachim 33a, 34b
What happens if a non-kohen performs zerikah: Zevachim 4a, 13a [see Rashi], 14a-b
What happens if an intoxicated kohen performs zerikah: Zevachim 4a, 13a [see Rashi],14a-b
What happens if a blemished kohen performs zerikah: Zevachim 14a-b
Does pigul disqualification apply to a thought of sprinkling the blood on the wrong part of the mizbeiach: Zevachim 26b-27a
Is pigul intent while sprinkling significant in making the blood an actual pigul item [with liability for eating it], given that the blood is not rendered permissible for use by service involving some other [matir] item: Zevachim 42b-43b, 44a, 46a
Disqualifications of the sprinkling
Sprinkling on the ramp: Zevachim 26a-27b
Sprinkling on the wrong part of the mizbeiach - on the upper or lower portion, inappropriately: Zevachim 26a-27b, 52b
Sprinkling on the wrong mizbeiach - the inner or outer altar, inappropriately: Zevachim 26a-27b, 52b
What happens if a disqualified kohen sprinkled the blood on the wrong place - do we apply dichuy: Zevachim 26b
What if the animal was a high-level korban, to be processed in the northern part of the azarah, and it left the northern area during the service: Zevachim 26a
What if one sprinkled the blood on the wrong part of the mizbeiach: Zevachim 26b-27b