Considering all Kohanim to be on their shift during the holiday, because they share in the Showbread and Gifts from the Offerings: Moed Katan 17b
How and where the Showbread is split on an ordinary Shabbat: Succah 56a, 56b
How Additional and Daily Offerings are split among the Shifts on an ordinary Shabbat: Succah 56b
How the shifts split their sections from additional offerings of holidays/Shabbat, and the 12 Showbread loaves: Succah 55b, 55b-56a; Moed Katan 17b
How the 12 Showbread loaves are split if Shabbat and a Holiday are consecutive, or separated by one day: Succah 56a
Methods of dividing up the Hides of Offerings of Higher Holiness among the kohanim of the shift: Pesachim 57a
When Multiple Shifts Serve Concurrently
The shift whose standard turn would come out on a specific holiday, gets to bring the Communal Offerings as well as personally vowed Offerings: Succah 55b, 56a
Which shift brings personally required offerings which are not related to the Holiday on which they are brought: Succah 56a
Specific Shifts of Kohanim
The "Bilgah" shift, and why it lost its place for certain things: Succah 56a, 56b