The point of the Mitzvah of sitting in the Succah is that the future generations should know of the passage through the Desert after leaving Egypt: Succah 2a-b
Whether the Succah of the desert was an actual hut, or referred to the Protective Clouds of Glory: Succah 11b
The Obligation
The first night's obligation, as separate from the rest of the holiday: Succah 27a
Making up the first night's obligation afterward: Succah 27a
How long the Mitzvah lasts: Succah 42b, 43a-b
Whether one must use a single Succah for the duration, or may split his obligation among many Succot: Succah 27a-b
How to complete the Mitzvah on the 7th Day: Succah 48a
The obligation in Succah, for someone who converted or became an adult during the holiday: Succah 27b
Whether Converts are commanded in the Mitzvah: Succah 28b
The Succah is an item of a Mitzvah, not an item of intrisic holiness, and so it may be disposed of after the Mitzvah is over: Megillah 26b
Ownership of the Succah
Using someone else's Succah: Succah 27b [2x], 31a
Using a borrowed Succah Succah 27b
Using a stolen Succah: Succah 27b, 31a
Putting up a Succah on public property: Succah 31a
Whether there is a blessing on building a Succah: Menachot 42a
Making a blessing on use of the Succah: Pesachim 7b; Succah 46a; Menachot 42a
Whether the blessing on living in the Succah is made each day, or not: Succah 45b-46a, 47a