The Law follows Abbaye in six cases: Bava Metzia 22b
Abbaye said that although he left Rabbah's house sated, he was able to eat sixty dishes presented by Mari bar Mar, and he wanted to eat the plates when he was done; Abbaye said, "A pauper is hungry without knowing it," and, "There's always room for sweets": Megillah 7b
Went to go see how Ulla made Havdalah, for Rav Yehudah: Pesachim 104b
"The Smith is locked up on his own stockade" referring to an answer brought on Rabbi Yehudah from his own statement: Pesachim 28a
Rav Acha bar Yaakov sent his son to learn before Abbaye, then went in his stead when he found that his son was not as talented as himself: Kiddushin 29b
Abbaye had Rav Acha bar Yaakov sent to a room which was known to have a "Damaging Creature" in it [without Rav Acha's knowledge], and when it appeared to Rav Acha bar Yaakov as a snake with 7 heads, each bow of Rav Acha knocked off a head until it was defeated: Kiddushin 29b
Abbaye was surprised when Rav Mesharshiya and the scholars didn't stand for him when he was on the other side of a river; they explained that they hadn't noticed his presence: Kiddushin 33a
Abbaye allowed a merchant of Phylacteries, "Bar Chavu," to write the parchments by heart, because the chapters inside are well-known: Megillah 18b
Asking a young scholar about a lesson of Rav Sheshet, and then praising the student upon receiving a satisfactory answer: Megillah 27a
Rava bar Rav Chanan asked what the law was in a certain case; Abbaye responded, "Go see what the nation does [Puk Chazi Mai Ama Dabar]": Eruvin 14b
Rabbah bar Rav Chanan said to Abbaye, "If the master [Rabbah] had heard Law X, he would have changed his mind." Rabbah bar Rav Chanan was incorrect: Eruvin 38b-39a
Rabbah bar Rav Chanan terming Abbaye and Rabbah "Great Men": Eruvin 68a
Rabbah bar Rav Chanan had a certain practice, which Abbaye challenged. Rabbah bar Rav Chanan renounced his practice: Eruvin 51b-52a
How Rav Menashya bar Gada handled the breakup of a manager/investor partnership involving livestock, and Abbaye's response: Bava Metzia 69a
Abbaye heard a statement by Rav Dimi, and asked, "Is it possible you mean...?" Rav Dimi responded, "Man with the great skull [this is a term of honor]! I saw you in the study hall when Rabbi Yochanan taught that!": Eruvin 22b
Rabbi Zeira merged the properties in the town of Rabbi Chiyya's study hall, to permit transport between the properties on Shabbat, relying on certain information he had received from the town elders regarding the way Rav Chiyya bar Asi had done it. Abbaye challenged him based on other data, and Rabbi Zeira conceded, 'I didn't know that.': Eruvin 59b
Abbaye stated a lesson before Rav Safra, who corrected him. When Abbaye told the correction to Rav Yosef, Rav Yosef rebuked him for not asking a certain question against Rav Safra's correction: Eruvin 45b
Abbaye was once teaching a lesson, and Rav Safra stumped him with a question. Abbaye re-told the exchange to Rav Yosef, who asked, "Why didn't you just answer X?" Abbaye had held differently from idea X, though: Eruvin 103a
Rabbah bar Rav Chanan called Abbaye "Tarda [Confused person -Rashi Bava Metzia 20b; Dribbling Idiot -Aruch; Rashi Keritot 18b renders it as shoteh or lazy person]": Keritot 18b [2x]
Ravin came to Bavel and quoted a statement by Reish Lakish. Abbaye replied: Take your bounty and throw it on the thorns; Rav Hoshia already taught this in Babylon: Ketuvot 53a-b
Abbaye said: One Israeli is greater than two Babylonians [in wisdom]. Rava replied: When a Babylonian goes to Israel he becomes as great as two Israelis, as seen from the fact that when Rabbi Yirmiyah was in Bavel he didn't understand what the Sages said, but when he moved to Israel he called the Babylonians foolish: Ketuvot 75a