Altruism - Performing Mitzvot Lishmah לשמה
Preferring chalitzah, rather than perform yibbum for non-altruistic reasons: Yevamot 109a; Ketuvot 64a; Bechorot 13a
If Scribes don't work with altruistic intent, they will not profit: Pesachim 50b
Merchants of Holy Scrolls will not profit, if their intent is not altruistic: Pesachim 50b
Merchants of Techelet will not profit, unless their motive is altruistic: Pesachim 50b
Giving tzedakah in the hope of getting a specific prayer answered: Pesachim 8a; Rosh HaShanah 4a
Punishment for giving tzedakah non-altruistically: Ketuvot 66b-67a