A Husband's Warning, "Don't let that man be alone with you" [Kinui]

What the wording of the warning should be: Sotah 2a

Whether it is proper for a husband to issue a "Kinuy" warning, or not: Sotah 2a, 2b-3b

A man will not issue a "Kinuy" warning unless a spirit enters him; it is debated whether this is a spirit of purity or a spirit of impurity: Sotah 3a

How many witnesses we require for a husband's "Kinuy" warning, to prohibit the husband from having sexual relations with his wife if she is caught alone with that man: Ketuvot 9a

Interpreting the warning's title, "Kinuy": Sotah 2b-3a

How many witnesses we require for a husband's "Kinuy" warning, to invoke the Sotah rite: Kiddushin 27b-28a; Sotah 2a, 2a-2b, 3b

Korach's Cronies warned their wives against being alone with Moshe: Moed Katan 18b

What if the warning was after kiddushin, and the act was after marriage: Kiddushin 27b

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