Prophecy and Law
Various Laws of Mourning, and their prophetic sources
Revelation/Re-Establishment of Law via Prophecy
[In-]Ability of a prophet to establish new law: Shabbat 104a; Eruvin 104b; Megillah 2b-3a
We don't learn Biblical Law from the Prophets: Chagigah 10b, Bava Kama 2b
The only law ever established by the prophets was the
Reading of the Purim Story
: Megillah 14a
Laws from the Prophets don't require
edicts protecting them
: Rosh HaShanah 19a
Whether there are
blessings for Mitzvot
in which we were instructed by the Prophets: Succah 44b
Specific Cases
120 Elders, among whom there were a number of prophets, designing the
structure of the Amidah
: Megillah 17b, 18a
Legal Borderlines for various violations, for receiving punishment: Yoma 80a
The prophets' analysis of a verse, to produce the mitzvah of
Reading the Purim Story
: Megillah 14a
Identifying the months of the year, for the holidays: Rosh HaShanah 7a
The special letters used at the end of words in Hebrew: Shabbat 104a; Megillah 2b-3a
Establishing the recitation of
to pray to be saved from danger: Pesachim 117a
Establishment of the
Shifts Representing the Nation on the Daily Offerings
: Taanit 26a, 27a
Established a certain number of the
shifts of Kohanim serving weekly in the Temple
: Taanit 27a-b
Redistributed the
shifts of Kohanim
after the return for the Second Temple: Taanit 27a-b
Established specific dates and donors for the
Wood Used on the Altar
: Taanit 28a
Recitation of Hallel
on 18 specific days [21 in exile] is an Institution of the Prophets, and treated as a Biblical Law: R. Taanit 28b "Minhag"
The practice of
parading with the Willow Branch on Succos in the Temple
: Succah 44a
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