Meraglim - The Spies
Kalev [Caleb]
The Punishments
The Death of the Generation for their Sin with the Spies was decreed on the
9th of Av
: Taanit 26b, 29a
Calculating the 9th of Av as the date of the Above occurrence: Taanit 29a
The Establishment of the
9th of Av
as a date for crying through the generations, as a result of the Desert Generation's pointless crying: Taanit 29a
Gd didn't speak to Moshe from the sin of the Spies until the generation dying for that Sin died out: Taanit 30b
On the
15th of Av
, the people dying for the Sin with the Spies stopped dying: Taanit 30b
Retraction of Hashem's Oath
Barring the Generation of the Desert from entering Israel: Chagigah 10a
The desert generation were considered to be
ex-communicated from Heaven
, but they still practiced sexual relations and sent
Temple Offerings
via a Proxy: Moed Katan 15b
was one of those who died for attempting to go to Israel after Gd said that the generation could not enter: Shabbat 97a
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