Rav Beruna

Rav Beruna was an Important Person, and was always happy to do Mitzvot: Berachot 9b

Rav Beruna didn't stop smiling all day, after Linking Prayers of Redemption to the Amidah in prayer [Tos.- Vatikin]: Berachot 9b

Rav Beruna was a student of Rav, and from his practice people knew what Rav held: Yevamot 110a

Rav Beruna cited a lesson taught by Shemuel, and Rabbi Elazar couldn't believe Shemuel had said it. Rabbi Elazar challenged Rav Beruna to show him where Shemuel was staying, which he did. R; Elazar asked Shemuel whether he had said it, and Shemuel confirmed it. Rabbi Elazar challenged the lesson based on another of Shemuel's statements, and Shemuel was silent; it was unclear whether Shemuel had accepted Rabbi Elazar's point.: Eruvin 74a-b

Rav Beruna cited a lesson taught by Rav, and Rabbi Elazar couldn't believe Rav had said it. Rabbi Elazar challenged Rav Beruna to show him where Rav was staying, which he did. R; Elazar asked Rav whether he had said it, and Rav confirmed it. Rabbi Elazar challenged the lesson based on another of Rav's statements, and Rav explained the difference.: Eruvin 85a-b

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