Sent by Rabbi Yehudah Niseeah to examine a case for him: Moed Katan 17a
Sent by Rabbi Yehudah Niseeah to publicize a law: Rosh HaShanah 20a
Accepting Testimony to a Kohen's Status based on the how the Kohen was called to the Torah: Ketuvot 25b
Crying over the difficulty of achieving Gd's Forgiveness: Chagigah 4b
Blessing given by the Rabbis when leaving him: Berachot 17a
Ulla called Rabbi Elazar, "Master of Israel," because of a case in which Rabbi Ami witnessed Rabbi Elazar correctly identify a type of blood from the genitals, by the smell of the blood: Niddah 20b
Was permitted to use slaughterd birds he found in between Tiveria and Tzippori: Bava Metzia 24b
Fearful that the King would claim a vessel of gold coins which he found and announced: Bava Metzia 28b
Rabbi Ami kept the 7-Day and 30-Day mourning periods for Rabbi Yochanan: Moed Katan 25b
Rabbi Ami was upset at Rabbi Anani bar Sasson because he cited a law without mentioning its source: Moed Katan 24b
Rabbi Asi challenged a statement of Rabbi Ami because he had spoken more stringently earlier; Rabbi Ami responded that the earlier statement was a stake to prevent error: Gittin 17a
Rabbi Yitzchak of the school of Rabbi Ami citing a series of lessons regarding the story of Samson: Sotah 9b
Rabbi Ami adjudicating a case of alleged fraud: Beitzah 6b-7a [2x]
Set of Rabbi Ami's statements related to drought: Taanit 7b-8a