Interesting Talmudic Phrases

All of the Sages involved in a debate of historical fact are correct: Megillah 15b; Gittin 6b

Describing a Talmudic statement as "Pilpula Be'Alma [Just sharpness (without basis)]: Nedarim 38a

Ada Tehei [Thus it should be]: Makkot 21b

Aval אבל: Eruvin 30b, 38a, 41a; Niddah 3b, 14b

Avash aleih kulei alma אווש עליה כולי עלמא [Everyone yelled at him]: Ketuvot 50b

Bar Mineih diHaHee: Niddah 5b

Bei Rav בי רב as a generic term for any study hall: Ketuvot 62b

Dikdaktem acharai [You caught me!]: Keritot 19b

דקארי לה מאי קארי לה - D'ka'ari lah mai ka'ari lah: Ketuvot 36a; Bava Batra 2b; Bechorot 4b

אי תניא תניא - Ee Tanya, Tanya: Shabbat 115b; Nedarim 19b; Zevachim 15b; Bechorot 7b; Temurah 31a

אינו השם or אינו מן השם - Eino haSheim, or Eino Min haSheim: Makkot 21b; Keritot 13b-14a

Einah Hi HaMidah: Pesachim 14a

Einah Mishnah: Niddah 13b

Gavil l'tora, gavil l'torei: Bava Metzia 69a

Gavra aGavra ka ramit?!: Taanit 4b

Gemara Gamir, Zemirta Tehei?!: Shabbat 106b, 113a; Eruvin 60a

הלכה למעשה Halachah l'Maaseh: Ketuvot 56a

Hiflagta [You have stated something impossible!]: Zevachim 19b

Hilchita l'Meshicha! [You are presenting a psak related to the time of Mashiach!]: Zevachim 44b-45a

Hiniach Maotav al Keren haTzevi [One put his money on the horn of the deer (losing it)]: Nedarim 33b

Lav Adaata'i: Berachot 26a; Shabbat 95a; Eruvin 59b; Sanhedrin 5b

Kamma Mialya Ha Shemayta!: Ketuvot 21a, 21b

Kamma Rav Guvreih [How "great" is the strength of one who rules like an individual against the majority]: Yevamot 104a

Klapei Layya!?: Bava Metzia 58a; Niddah 15a

Kevar Horah Zakken: Yevamot 105b

Kichometz l'shinayim uch'ashan l'einayim [Borrowed from Mishlei 10]: Taanit 4b

Kidra deBei Shutfi Lo Chamima veLo Kerira: Eruvin 3a

Lo Min haSheim Hu Zeh: Shabbat 116a; Sotah 8a; Makkot 4b

Lo nitnah Torah l'malachei hasharet: Berachot 25b

Rav warning his students, "Don't bother asking questions from a text that could be interpreted in opposing ways לא תיזלו בתר איפכא": Ketuvot 48b; Keritot 17b

Mai DeHavah Havah: Ketuvot 3a

Mai Paska [How do you know?!]: Eruvin 30b; Ketuvot 76b

Margila b'Pumeih [He was accustomed to say]: Zevachim 36b

Mechachu aleih b'maarava - The sages of Israel laughing at a lesson taught in Babylon: Beitzah 13b-14a; Zevachim 15a; Keritot 4a

Migadef bah: Zevachim 12a

Mitunach [From your own burden/question, your answer comes]: Zevachim 32b

Muchlefet haShitah [sometimes means "He changed his mind" but sometimes means two cited opinions should be reversed]: Eruvin 99a; Beitzah 3a, 9b-10a

Nakitinan: Rashi Eruvin 5a s.v. veHaAmar Rav Nachman - but see also Gittin 56b?

Nekot Hai Kelala beYadach: Megillah 22b

Nimnu viGamru נמנו וגמרו: Ketuvot 63b; Makkot 21b; Temurah 7a

Numi: Rashi Zevachim 45b "Numi"

Quoting "Man Dehu [Someone]": Moed Katan 22a

Prayer for rebuilding the Temple, inserted in a statement in the Talmud: Taanit 26b, Bava Metzia 28b

Rachmana nitzlan meihai daata רחמנא ניצלן מהאי דעתא - May Gd save us from such a point of view: Shabbat 84b; Ketuvot 45b

Referring to a chapter of Gemara, or a tractate, by its modern title: Eruvin 79a; Sotah 2a; Bava Metzia 35a; Temurah 22a

Referring to mishnayot by chapter [ie "b'idach pirkin"]: Zzevachim 15a, 26b

Shinina! ["Sharp one!" a mild rebuke]: Shabbat 152a; Eruvin 28b, 54a [2x]; Rosh HaShanah 24b; Ketuvot 12b, 14a; Kiddushin 32a, 33b; Bava Kama 14a, 15b; Keritot 19b; Niddah 13a, 17a

Shitfuhu ["They flooded him", getting him to change his mind]: Nazir 32b

Tarda! [an insult]: Bava Metzia 20b; Zevachim 25b; Keritot 18b [2x]

Tiba'i (leih) [Rare equivalent of the more common "Teiku"]: Nedarim 7a, 10b, 21b; Makkot 19a; Temurah 13b

Better One Sharp Pepper than a basket of Gourds [Tava Chada Pilpila Charifta MiMali Tzana DiKari]: Yoma 85b; Megillah 7a; Chagigah 10a

Tarti?! [Why list these items as two? It's the same thing!]: Beitzah 14a; Kiddushin 19a

Tirgimah: Bava Metzia 80b

Tiyuvta v'hilchata תיובתא והלכתא [You accepted our argument as definitive, and then ruled against it?!]: Ketuvot 41b

Tmihani [I would be shocked if this were true]: Keritot 19a

Tol Lach Mah SheHeiveita טול לך מה שהבאת [Ask yourself a question on the case you brought!]: Temurah 28a

Tuvya Chata veZigud Mangid טוביה חטא וזיגוד מנגיד (Tuvya sins and Zigud is whipped?!), or Shechem Nasiv UMavgai Gazir (Shechem marries, and Mavgai has to be circumcised [Rashi's reading]?!): Makkot 11a

VeChi Chuldah Nevi'ah Hi?? וכי חולדה נביאה היא [play on words, too long to explain]: Pesachim 9b

VeKen Morin bei Medresha וכן מורין בי מדרשא [And so it is ruled in the Study Hall]: Niddah 14a

VeTu Lo Midi ותו לא מידי: Eruvin 103b; Succah 36b; Kiddushin 21b; Bechorot 11a

Yatziva be'Ara, veGiyora beShemei Shemaya?! [Can it be both a native of the earth, and a dweller of the heavens?!]: Eruvin 9a; Yoma 47a

Zil kari bei rav hu [It's something you could go read in yeshiva]: Keritot 13b

Where the Talmud makes use of "Atzeret" for Shavuot, and where it makes use of "Chag": Temurah 18b

Use of clean language in stating a Talmudic case, even at the expense of clarity: Temurah 29a, 30a

Use of singular language "zaken [elder]" when describing a group of elders, because they were unanimous in their opinion: Zevachim 12b

Rav Pappa commenting, "Were we to be so specific in our teaching, we would never be able to teach anything, at all!": Eruvin 48a

A string of comments on Torah study and Manners, from sages named Chanina: Rabbi Chanina, then Rabbi Chanina bar Pappa, then Rabbi Chanina bar Chama, then Rabbi Chanina bar Idi: Taanit 7a

Use of Greek in the gemara: Zevachim 53b; Rashi to Keritot 17b "atyom"

Use of the word lokeh לוקה to refer to a financial payment: Ketuvot 45b-46a

Rava responding to a halachic ruling by saying it is Burcha (unseemly): Ketuvot 63b

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