Importance of citing the correct source of a rabbinic idea, for purposes of determining self-contradiction and argument: Pesachim 107a
Rav Yitzchak bar Yosef repeating to himself forty times that Rabbi Yosi bar Chanina was the author of a particular lesson, until it was like it had been placed in his pocket: Ketuvot 50a [and see Maharam Schiff there]
Importance of mentioning that a source is biblical: Gittin 4a
Citing a source with its statement brings the Redemption to this world: Megillah 15a; Niddah 19b
Value of having learning said over in one's own name: Pesachim 104b
Making sure to tell over a Law from the original source: Pesachim 52b; Moed Katan 24b; Chagigah 3b
Citing a law, and not only that the law is like X, to prevent error: Megillah 31b-32a, 32a; Gittin 28a
Citing a law from Sage X in the name of Sage Y, and then stating that it is unclear whether it was Sage X's opinion or only that of his teacher, Sage Y: Niddah 10b
Levi cited a ruling from Rebbe, and nobody listened, but then he cited it as being a majority view and it was approved: Gittin 20a
Talmud asking why a Baraita bothered to mention an extra authority: Shabbat 145b
Reversing the attributions [Eipoch איפוך / Muchlefet haShitah מוחלפת השיטה] in a Mishnah to match known views of the Sages of the Mishnah involved: Shabbat 143a; Eruvin 37b, 38b; Beitzah 3a-b; Ketuvot 71a; Temurah 27a-b
Reversing attributions to fit whichever side has a greater number of sources: Eruvin 37b
Shemuel changing the sides of a debate when retelling it, so that people would hold like Rebbe in it against the majority opinion: Pesachim 27a
Rabbah making a statement in the name of Rabbi Yosi to Rav Yosef, not because Rabbi Yosi actually said it, but because that way Rav Yosef would accept it: Eruvin 51a
Rava reversing the sides in a Mishnah to match known views of the Mishnaic Sages involved: Bava Metzia 7b
Rabbah quoting a prohibition from Rabbi Yochanan, although it wasn't so, so that it would be accepted: Shabbat 115a
Backing an Established Source with an Unestablished Source ["Tali Tanya BeDiLo Tanya"]: Ketuvot 2a
Backing an Explained Source with an Unexplained Source ["Tali Tanya DeMifaresh Taama BeTanya Delo Mefaresh Taama"]: Ketuvot 2a
When an anonymous "student" cites Rabbi Yishmael in front of Rabbi Akiva, that student is Rabbi Meir: Eruvin 13a
If Sages of one generation have a debate, and then Sages of a later generation debate what the earlier Sages said, and one view (in that later generation) is that the earlier sages debated logic, and the other view is that the earlier sages were debating about who said what, take the view that the debate was about logic: Ketuvot 57a
Two Sages of the Mishnah's time arguing about the meaning of the words of... [Trei Tannai Aliba de...]