Linking Prayers of Redemption and the Amidah

Reasons for the link between the prayers of redemption and the Amidah: R. Berachot 4b "Zeh HaSomech"

This Custom, as an all-day protection from harm: Berachot 9b

At Morning Prayers: Berachot 9b

At "Vatikin" Morning Prayers (at Sunrise): Berachot 9b, 25b, 26a; Tos. Berachot 9b #4

At Evening Prayers: Berachot 4b; Tos. Berachot 2a #1, 4b #2; Rosh Berachot 1:1, 1:5

At Evening Prayers, one is considered a Member of the "World to Come": Berachot 4b, 9b

This Custom, and Announcing the New Month as a reminder to congregants for their prayers: D.Ch. Berachot 1:5:11

This Custom and recitation of "VeShamru" and "Eileh Mo'adei" before the Amidah: D.Ch. Berachot 1:5:11

This Custom and recitation of the "Hashem Sefati Tiftach" preface to the Amidah: Berachot 4b, 9b

This Custom and "Hashkiveinu" prayer at evening sevices: Berachot 4b, 9b

This Custom And "Yir'u Eineinu"/Kaddish at Evening Prayers: Rosh Berachot 1:1

This Custom At Evening Prayers, vs. having a Quorum: Rosh Berachot 1:1

This Custom saved Chizkiyahu's Life: Berachot 10b

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