Illegal Entry into the Temple

LinksA Non-Kohen who enters the Beit haMikdashHaving Non-Sanctified Items in the Outer Room [Chullin baAzarah]Entering the Beit haMikdash while impureEntering the Beit haMikdash while intoxicated
    Serving in the Beit haMikdash while intoxicated

    What happens if one drinks a reviit amount in multiple portions, with gaps in between: Keritot 12b, 13b

    What happens if one drinks a diluted reviit of wine: Keritot 12b, 13b

    A prohibition against entering the Beit haMikdash even if one has consumed less than the prohibited threshold quantity: Keritot 13b

    A prohibition against entering the Beit haMikdash even if one has consumed new, and therefore less-intoxicating, wine: Keritot 13b

    A prohibition against entering non-wine intoxicating beverages: Keritot 13b

    What happens if one drinks honey or milk, or eats a fig cake from Ke'ilah: Yoma 76a-b; Keritot 13b

    Bringing in "mei raglayim": Keritot 6a

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