Wearing Tzitzit

Please note that within this document, the term "Tzitzit" refers to the fringe-strings which are worn on the corners of four-cornered garments.

Making a blessing on each donning of Tzitzit: Berachot 24b; Menachot 43a

Hashem puts one who doesn't wear Tzitzit in Ex-Communication: Pesachim 113b

Reward for Care in Mitzvah of Tzitzit: Shabbat 118b

One should always be wearing Tzitzit: Shabbat 153a

Exemption of a merchant of Tzitzit from other Mitzvos, while engaged in marketing the Tzitzit: Succah 26a

Wearing Invalid Tzitzit Outside on Shabbat: Shabbat 139b; Menachot 37b-38a

Putting the Tallit back on if it falls off during the Amidah: Berachot 24b

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