Who may Retract an Arranged Marriage with Miun

The maximum age for miun: Ketuvot 36a

Ability of a Deaf and Mute woman to perform miun: Yevamot 112b-113a

Whether there is a limit on the number of divorces beyond which one can perform miun: Yevamot 108b

Whether one who was married can perform miun, or only one who went through kiddushin: Yevamot 107a

Whether miun can be done after going with the husband's proxies before marriage, according to the opinion that a married woman can't perform miun: Yevamot 107a

Disallowing miun by a married woman, to protect her property for her: Yevamot 107a

Whether miun can be done on a marriage to a man who has now died: Yevamot 107a-b, 108b, 111b

Above, where the miun will allow her to perform yibbum [levirate marriage]: Yevamot 108b

Teaching a girl to perform miun, where the miun will allow her sister to perform yibbum [levirate marriage]: Yevamot 109a, 111b; Niddah 7b-8a

Whether one can perform miun on a brother-in-law, after yibbum: Yevamot 107a, 107a-b

Refusing a Brother-in-Law who has done ma'amar: Yevamot 107a-b

Refusing a Brother-in-Law, before any Yibbum has been performed: Yevamot 107a-b

Refusing one Brother-in-Law where there are others: Yevamot 107b

Refusing more than one marriage: Yevamot 107a, 107b

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