Please note that "Chalitzah" refers to the rite which frees a man and woman from their obligation to perform levirate marriage.
Time span after the husband's death, during which Chalitzah is prohibited: Eruvin 47a
Whether the rite of Chalitzah may be used as a divorce rite: Kiddushin 3b
Whether a bill of divorce can be used to sever the bond requiring levirate marriage: Kiddushin 3b
Power of Chalitzah for a cheresh: Yevamot 104b, 110a
Chalitzah for a cheresh: Yevamot 110a, 110b, 112b
Above, if she was married as a non-cheresh and then changed: Yevamot 110a, 110b
Chalitzah for a woman who is a shoteh: Yevamot 112b
Mistaken Chalitzah, such as where the brother-in-law thinks that the act of chalitzah is an act of marriage: Yevamot 106a; Ketuvot 74a
For a woman who first divorced the dead man, then remarried him: Yevamot 109a
For the co-wife of a woman who re-married that husband: Yevamot 109a
Where both brothers have cheresh status: Yevamot 110b, 112b
Where both sisters have cheresh status: Yevamot 110b, 112b
Whether Chalitzah-Rite of a cheresh frees her co-wife, who is a cheresh, where they were both married off by their fathers: Yevamot 110a
Whether Chalitzah-Rite of a cheresh/Minor frees her co-wife, who is a Minor/cheresh: Yevamot 110a
Whether Chalitzah-Rite of a cheresh/Ordinary woman frees her co-wife, who is an Ordinary Woman/cheresh: Yevamot 110a
Whether Chalitzah-Rite of a Minor/Ordinary woman frees her co-wife, who is an Ordinary Woman/Minor: Yevamot 110a